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March '15 Newsletter

Posted by Craig A on

Another month of 2015 gone! Is this year flying or what?

Welcome to March!

The commissions don't stop! Another month where we just didn't have time to create many new items on our own has come and gone. We might just keep the commission basis going instead of releasing any specific set each month. What do you think about that? Could it work?

Instead of creating a predetermined label set, we could have someone commission a specific set to be made (pay to have it designed; Not an extra cost as they will receive the label set upon completion)

We've done this a couple times in February and it seems to work!

March will be split in half.

The first half we will be focusing on regular orders,  paid commissions and convention prep (no new commissioned will be accepted until after Lexington Comic & Toy Convention)

We will not process or ship orders from March 11 to March 18 while we are in Lexington for the convention

You can still place orders during that week, but they will ship on or shortly after March 19th.

The later half of the month will focus on completing delayed orders as well as taking on new commissions!

If you guys haven't yet, please head over to and click "Like", we held a few great contests last month such as  Legacy Tigerzord and hope to continue to give away great items and store credit this month and beyond!

Have a great March and If you're in or plan to be in  the Lexington, Kentucky area.....


February Highlights:

  • Psycho Ranger Data Cards
  • Printed Tyranno Coin Decal

    (We created a lot more during February, but have yet to get them up on the site, for day to day news, please "Like" us on Facebook!)

New additions to the site most likely coming sometime in March:

  • CONVENTION EXCLUSIVE - Screen Cast Dino Buckler with Coin and Labels of Choice - $50 to $60 - *If we have any left after con*
  • CONVENTION EXCLUSIVE - Ivan's Ooze 2.0 - New Bottle Shape - $20 - *If we have any left after con*
  • Battle Bike Labels - $7.50 each or $20 for set of 3
  • Super Train Labels (Only Trains 3, 4, 5 until someone commissions the rest) - $12.50 each or 3 for $30
  • 4", Automorph, and 8" MMPR Figures - Cuffs, Boot Cuffs, Back Diamonds, and Morpher Labels
  • Astro Megazord Labels - $25
  • Delta Megazord Labels - $25
  • Ranger Key Labels V2 (most if not all 199 Heros & more) - $3 to $5 each
  • Ranger Key Case Labels (unique ranger specific labels for protective ranger key cases sold by Japan Hero Collectibles) - $3 each
  • Game Console Controller Skins (Including Xbox One, PS4, Xbox 360, PS3, and more!) - $12.50 each.
  • MMPR "Family" Decals (Similar to stick figure family decals you see on vehicles) - Price TBD


Please let us know if there's anything specific you'd like us to add to our website!


Thanks for reading :)


- BD15

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